MDARD Specialty Crop Block Grant
The Agribusiness Talent Council works to address common industry training needs and develop leadership within the agribusiness industry. To meet this goal, we are coordinating MDARD Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG) Training funds for food safety.
Eligible growers must be in West Michigan Works!’ seven county region and grow crops on MDARD’s defined list of eligible specialty crop commodities.
Pre-approved agricultural employment compliance assistance includes:
Agricultural Employment Compliance Guide - Varnum Law
Pre-approved food safety and leadership trainings include:
Listeria Management for Produce Industry-International Fresh Produce Association -funding is low - apply soon.
Supervisor Bootcamp - Frontline Training Solutions- funding is low - apply soon.
Complete the MDARD SCBG Application and return it by the 10th of the month before your training takes place to be considered for reimbursement.
If your application is approved, you must sign a grant agreement, provide your W-9 and proof of workman’s comp and liability insurance before the training starts.
Email the application or questions to Carol Distel, Agribusiness Talent Council Lead at cdistel@westmiworks.org.